How It Works
Once we have been through your initial setup on our secure system and established which feedback product you will be using, the process couldn't be simpler.
What we need from you
You send us the name and email address of the people participating in the process and when you want your reports delivered.​
We do the rest
1. We will launch the process to your participants by email, asking them to complete their 'self' review online.
2. The participant then decides who they want to get feedback from (with advisory guidelines), then enters their name and email address into an online form.
3. Here they can also choose to create two bespoke personalised questions to ask their reviewers.
4. We then send their list a link to an online questionnaire.
5. The reviewers complete the questionnaires and we chase them where necessary.
6. Working to your deadline and assuming we have enough returns, we produce the report and send it either electronically or a hard copy to you, or whoever is going to de-brief the feedback to the participant.
If you decide an off the shelf product is for you, we can launch your first process almost immediately.
All we request is that the participant receives the feedback report in a facilitated session – not via email – so that they get coaching to make sense of the feedback and develop plans to use it. We can recommend facilitators if you require them.
They say 'No man is an Island'
People who work together, influence each other. They have impact on each other's behaviour and performance. Together they create the big picture.
360 degree feedback is a powerful way of accessing the many different viewpoints, opinions and invaluable insights within that big picture. It's not an appraisal or a formal evaluation, it's a method for getting feedback to inform and motivate professional development.
And 360 degree feedback doesn't just impact on individuals. A successful programme can help to create a culture where feedback and open communication are accepted and encouraged as essential elements of best practice.